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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quantum Teaching

Quantum Teaching (QT)
Meanwhile, in Quantum Teaching (2000:4) says as follows. Quantum Teaching is a body of knowledge and methodology used in the design, presentation, and facilitation SuperCamp. Created based on educational theories such as the Accelerated Learning (Lozanov), Multiple Intelegences (Gardner), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Grinder and Bandler), Experiential Learning (Hahn), Socratic Inquiry, Cooperative Learning (Johnson and Johnson), and Element of Effective Instruction (Hunter).

Two of the quote clearly indicates that there are a variety of roots views and thoughts that become the foundation of quantum learning. Various roots were mixed views and thoughts, even bound together in a unified theoretical model and intact until no longer visible origin - in turn these theoretical models have been tested in a systemic to find empirical evidence.

Among the various roots views and thoughts that become the foundation of quantum learning DePorter raised by the above, there is no doubt that these views or theories of learning sugestologi akseleratif Lozanov, Gardner's multiple intelligences theory, theory neurolinguistik programming (NLP), Grinder and Bandler, and learningexperiential [based on experience] Hahn and neurolinguistik recent findings regarding the role and function of the right brain dominates or strongly colored figure [profile] quantum learning.

Continue the development of learning models are expected to provide opportunities for teachers and students to find the best model in accordance with the conditions of schools and learning objectives to be achieved.

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