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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Integrated Learning Concept

Although the standard of competence and basic competencies developed in the field of science studies, on the level of implementation of the teachers have the flexibility in membelajarkan learners to achieve competency. One example that will be developed in this model is the teacher to identify the standards of competence and basic competencies that are relevant to close and packed in one theme and presented in an integrated learning activities. To be noted is that the integration of activities in the form of a theme should be done at the same grade level and still within the scope of science.

Strength / benefits that can be learned through the implementation of integrated learning between judgments as follows.

(A) By combining the various fields of study will be saving time, because the three fields of study (the Energy and amendments thereto, Matter and its nature, and living creatures and life processes) can dibelajarkan at once. Overlap the material can also be reduced and even eliminated.
(B) Learners can see a significant relationship antarkonsep Energy and its amendments, Matter and its nature, and living creatures and life processes.
(C) Increase the level of thinking skills of learners, because learners are faced with an idea or thought a wider and deeper when faced with learning situations.
(D) Integrated Learning presents the implementation / application of real-world experience in everyday life, thus facilitating understanding of concepts and competencies ownership IPA.
(E) learners' learning motivation can be improved and enhanced.
(F) Integrated Learning helps create cognitive structures that can bridge between prior knowledge learners with learning experiences that are related, so that understanding becomes more organized and thorough, and easy to understand the relationship of material science from one context to another.
(G) There will be increased cooperation antarguru related field of study, teachers with learners, learners with learners, learner / teacher with sources; so much fun learning, learning in real situations, and in a more meaningful context.

In addition to the strengths / benefits that were put forward, Integrated Natural Science learning model also has weaknesses. Be aware, that in fact there is no learning model-fits-all concept, therefore learning model should be adjusted to the concept to be taught. Similarly, integrated learning in science has some shortcomings as follows.

 (A) Aspects of Teachers: Teachers must be knowledgeable, have high creativity, methodological skills that are reliable, high self-confidence, and dare to package and develop materials. Academically, teachers are required to continue to explore the science of information relating to the matters to be taught and a lot of reading books for mastery of instructional materials do not focus on specific areas of study. Without this condition, the integrated learning in science will be difficult to materialize.
(B) Aspects of learners: Learning integrated learning abilities of students demanding a relatively "good", both in academic ability and creativity. This occurs because the integrated learning model emphasizes the analytical capabilities (extract), associative ability (connecting-link), and elaborate exploratory capabilities (finding and digging). When this condition is not owned, then the application of integrated learning model is very difficult.
(C) Aspects of facilities and learning resources: Learning integrated need reading materials or sources of information are quite many and varied, may also internet facilities. All this will support, enrich, and facilitate the development of insight. When these facilities are not met, then the application of integrated learning will also be hampered.
(D) Aspect of curriculum: The curriculum must be flexible, achievement-oriented learners thoroughness of understanding (not on target to deliver the content).Teachers need to be given the authority in developing the materials, methods, assessment of student learning success.
(E) Aspects of assessment: Integrated Learning requires a thorough assessment of the way (comprehensive), which define the success of learners' learning from several related fields of study combined. In this connection, besides teachers are required to provide the techniques and procedures for the implementation of a comprehensive assessment and measurement, are also required to coordinate with other teachers, if the subject matter comes from a different teacher.
(F) The atmosphere of learning: an integrated learning tend to prefer one field of study and 'tenggelam'nya other fields of study. In other words, when teaching a TEMA, the teachers tend to emphasize or give priority to the substance of the joint in accordance with the understanding, taste, and the background of teacher education itself.

Although integrated learning contains several weaknesses in addition to its superiority, as a form of innovation in the implementation of Competency Standards and Basic Competence should be developed further. To reduce the above shortcomings, it should be discussed jointly between teachers' fields of study associated with an open attitude. All of this is intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in learning science.

Implementation of Integrated Learning

One of the key integrated learning which consists of several fields of study is to provide a learning environment that places students have learning experiences that can menghubungkaitkan concepts from various fields of study. Understanding integrated here implies links with various fields of science studies (Carin 1997; 236).Cross field of study in science is to coordinate the various disciplines such as living things and life processes, energy and change, matter and nature, geology, and astronomy. Actually, science can also be integrated with other fields of study outside the field of science studies and it is more appropriate for elementary school education. Given the discussion of materials science at higher levels of increasingly broad and deep, then in junior high and high school education, would be better if the integration is limited to fields of study including the field of science studies course.This is so that not too many teachers are involved, which will open opportunities for the emergence of difficulties in learning and assessment, given the higher levels of education, the more deep and broad understanding of concepts that must also be absorbed by the learners.

Integrated learning begins with determining the theme, because the determination of the theme will help students in several aspects:

(A) learners who work together with the group will be more responsible, disciplined, and independent;
(B) learners become more confident and termotivas in learning when they managed to implement what has been learned;
(C) students better understand and easier to remember because they 'hear', 'talk', 'read', 'write' and 'doing' activities to investigate the problems being studied;
(D) strengthen the ability of language learners;
(E) learn better when learners are actively involved through project work, collaboration, and interact with friends, teachers, and the real world.

Therefore, if teachers want to conduct integrated learning in science, you should choose a theme that menghubungkaitkan between science-technology-society-environment.

Quantum Teaching

Quantum Teaching (QT)
Meanwhile, in Quantum Teaching (2000:4) says as follows. Quantum Teaching is a body of knowledge and methodology used in the design, presentation, and facilitation SuperCamp. Created based on educational theories such as the Accelerated Learning (Lozanov), Multiple Intelegences (Gardner), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Grinder and Bandler), Experiential Learning (Hahn), Socratic Inquiry, Cooperative Learning (Johnson and Johnson), and Element of Effective Instruction (Hunter).

Two of the quote clearly indicates that there are a variety of roots views and thoughts that become the foundation of quantum learning. Various roots were mixed views and thoughts, even bound together in a unified theoretical model and intact until no longer visible origin - in turn these theoretical models have been tested in a systemic to find empirical evidence.

Among the various roots views and thoughts that become the foundation of quantum learning DePorter raised by the above, there is no doubt that these views or theories of learning sugestologi akseleratif Lozanov, Gardner's multiple intelligences theory, theory neurolinguistik programming (NLP), Grinder and Bandler, and learningexperiential [based on experience] Hahn and neurolinguistik recent findings regarding the role and function of the right brain dominates or strongly colored figure [profile] quantum learning.

Continue the development of learning models are expected to provide opportunities for teachers and students to find the best model in accordance with the conditions of schools and learning objectives to be achieved.